Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Final Design

Here is the real magazine cover that I chose to copy. Vogue June 2013. 

It features Kate Moss as the cover model and has used a pink and white colour scheme. The typefaces that have been used are modern and sans serif. 

Here is the magazine cover that I created. I like how the model matches the pose closely to Kate Moss' and that the typefaces are a close match to the original. 

If I were to replicate the magazine cover again, I'd try to get more similar background colours in the image to the original. 

Here is the real double page spread that I chose to copy. Q magazine - Lana Del Rey issue. 

The double page spread features an article on what Lana is like during a photo shoot. The image is dark and shadowy and the text has a serif typeface. 

Here is my copy of the double page spread. I like the accuracy of the typeface on the right hand page. I also like the bokeh effect on the image.

If I was to recreate this again, I would try to get the model to pose in a more accurate position.

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