Monday, 12 January 2015

Adjustment Layers - Editing Photo

Here is the raw image that I decided to edit. 

First, I altered the levels. I did this by clicking the 'Create new fill or adjustment layer' icon. The icon is a half black and half white circle.

A drop down menu appeared and then I clicked on 'Levels...'.

An adjustments window appears that features a histogram. There are three arrows underneath the histogram that can be moved to change the levels of the image. When altering the arrows positions, the levels of the image change.

Here is the image after the levels have been altered. The darker areas of the image have been deepened and the lighter areas have been lightened. 

Next, I changed the colour balance. I selected this option from the same drop down menu as before. To change the colour balance of the mid tones, I dragged the arrows across to get a slightly warmer effect on the image. 

Here is the image after changing the colour balance. 

After that, I changed the vibrance and saturation. This is also selected form the same drop down menu as before. By increasing the vibrance, the image's colour becomes more intense. By increasing the saturation, the orange/yellow colour in the image intensifies. 

Here is the image after changing the vibrance and saturation. 

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